What are your options for Family Class Sponsorship?

Many Canadian citizens and permanent residents have loved ones abroad that they wish they could bring to Canada.
The Canadian government offers a number of ways to allow this dream to become a reality under its Family Class Sponsorship class. Canada’s Family Class Sponsorship programs are some of the most generous family reunification programs in the developed world. After all, the Canadian government is committed to keeping families together whenever possible.

There are a number of relationships that qualify for Family Class Sponsorship, including spouses and common-law partners, parents and grandparents, and dependent children. For parents and grandparents, there is also the Super Visa program.

To get started on exploring your Family Class Sponsorship options, we invite you to start a free Canadian Immigration assessment.

Which Family Class Sponsorship program is right for you?


I have a parent or grandparent that I would like to bring to Canada.

There are a number of ways to bring a parent or grandparent to Canada, including Canada’s parents and grandparents sponsorship program, which has a yearly cap on the number of applications that are accepted. Once this cap is reached, there is still the Super Visa Program which allows parents and grandparents to come to Canada on extended multi-entry visas that could last up to a total of 10 years. No matter which program you choose, it is important that you ensure that the parent or grandparent meets the eligibility requirements and that the sponsor themselves meet Canada’s sponsorship requirements. To learn more about these requirements and how they can be met, start your free assessment today.

I would like to bring my spouse or common law partner to Canada

The process of bringing a spouse to Canada can present a number of options to the applicant that should be carefully weighed. For example, there exist two types of federal spousal sponsorship: inland and outland. Each of those two options carries its own benefits and disadvantages. It is also important to ensure that the spouse or common law partner meets the eligibility requirements and that the sponsor themselves meet Canada’s sponsorship requirements. There also may be a number of Provincial Family Class Sponsorship programs available to you. To find out if you are eligible for spousal sponsorship, start your free assessment today.

I have a dependent child that I would like to bring to Canada.

If you are a Canadian citizen or permanent resident and have a dependent child abroad that you would like to bring to Canada, you likely may do so under Canada’s dependent child sponsorship program. As with all sponsorship programs, it is important that the dependent child meets the eligibility requirements and that the sponsor themselves meet Canada’s sponsorship requirements. To find out if you are eligible for one of the Family Class programs, we encourage you to contact us today.

I have another relative or friend that I would like to bring to Canada.

Occasionally, a province in Canada may offer Canadian immigration options for relatives of a Canadian citizen or permanent resident. Canadian immigration programs are subject to change, so we encourage you to start your free assessment, and we will match your individual qualifications and goals against the programs that are currently available.

Spousal And Common-law Partner Sponsorship

The objective of the Family Class of immigration is to reunite close family members in Canada.
The Family Class allows Canadian citizens and permanent residents to sponsor their dependent children, parents and grandparents, and spouse or common-law/conjugal partner. Canada strongly supports keeping families together whenever possible. As such, the processing of Family Class applications is given the highest priority at Canadian Visa Offices.

The Spousal Sponsorship Category
The Spousal Sponsorship program is a subsection of the Family Class immigration category. Under this program, a Canadian citizen or permanent resident may sponsor a spouse or common-law partner for Canadian permanent residence.

Both the Canadian citizen or permanent resident (also called the ‘sponsor’) and the foreign national (the ‘sponsored person’) must be approved by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) in order for the sponsored person to receive a visa.

In order to receive a visa through this immigration program, the sponsor and sponsored person must prove that their relationship qualifies under one of three categories:

  • Spouse
  • Common-law Partner
  • Conjugal Partner

NOTE: Canada recognizes same-sex marriage, and same-sex partners may be eligible to apply under any of the above three categories, provided they meet all eligibility requirements.

To learn more about eligibility requirements for the sponsor and sponsored person, click here.

Outland Sponsorship
An Outland application is generally pursued when the sponsored partner is living outside of Canada. However, Outland applicants can still be in Canada and apply through the Outland program, and may be permitted to travel in and out of Canada throughout the application process. Outland applications are processed through the visa office that serves the applicant’s country of origin, or where they have resided legally for at least one year.

To learn more about Outland sponsorship, contact us

Inland Sponsorship
The other potential option for Spousal/Common-Law Sponsorship is the Inland route. Inland sponsorship is when the couple is together in Canada and the foreign spouse/common-law partner has temporary status in Canada, either as a worker, student, or visitor. The person being sponsored may be eligible for an Open Work Permit, allowing him or her to work for any employer in Canada while the sponsorship application is being processed.

To learn more about Inland sponsorship, contact  us

After Sponsorship
Permanent residence granted under the Spousal Sponsorship program carries certain conditions that must be met:

  • The sponsor is financially responsible for the person sponsored for three years after the sponsored person becomes a permanent resident.
  • Individuals who come to Canada as spouses are themselves barred from sponsoring a spouse in turn for five years after receiving Canadian permanent residence.

Dependent Child Sponsorship

The objective of the Family Class of immigration is to reunite close family members in Canada.
Through the Family Class, Canadian citizens and permanent residents may sponsor their dependent children, parents and grandparents, spouse, common-law, and conjugal partners.

The Government of Canada has a strong commitment to keeping families together whenever possible. Because of this, processing of Family Class applications is a high priority at Canadian Visa Offices.

Under most circumstances, individuals coming to Canada as temporary foreign workers or permanent residents have the right to bring their dependents, including any and all dependent children, to Canada with them. However, circumstances arise when this is not possible at the time of immigration. For Canadian citizens and permanent residents with dependent children abroad, the government has created a special program to facilitate their loved ones’ entry into Canada.

The Dependent Child Sponsorship Program

Dependent children, both natural and adopted, may be sponsored to live with their parent(s) as permanent residents in Canada. The child sponsorship program is a subsection of the Family Class of immigration.

In order to be eligible for this program, both the Canadian citizen or permanent resident (also called the ‘sponsor’) and their child abroad (the ‘sponsored person’) must be approved by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) in order for the sponsored person to receive a visa.

To receive a visa through this immigration program, the sponsor and the sponsored person will be required to prove their relationship to one another. Individuals whose adoption proceedings are in the final phases of processing may begin sponsoring their child before the adoption has been finalized. Be sure to read the specific requirements for the program, as well as some additional general requirements for Canadian sponsorship.


After Sponsorship

Children sponsored through the Family Class of immigration receive Canadian permanent residence. This includes the right to study and work in Canada.

Parent and Grandparent Sponsorship

Canadian citizens and permanent residents may bring their parents and grandparents to Canada through one of two popular programs: the Parents and Grandparents Program (PGP) and/or the Super Visa program.

Parents and Grandparents Program (PGP) 

Canada’s Family Class sponsorship program includes a stream dedicated to parents and grandparents of Canadian citizens and permanent residents. Parents and grandparents approved under this program receive Canadian permanent residence and may eventually be able to apply for Canadian citizenship.

To be eligible for Canada’s Parents and Grandparents Program, an individual must meet:

  • Be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident of Canada, or a registered Indian under the Canadian Indian Act;
  • Be 18 years of age or older;
  • Be residing in Canada (potential applicants will need to provide a proof of status during the Interest to Sponsor phase);
  • Exceed the minimum necessary income level for this program (if married or in a common-law relationship, the income of both the sponsor and spouse can be included) and provide proof of income to IRCC; and
  • Sign an undertaking
    • to financially support the sponsored for 20 years (starting when they become permanent residents); and
    • to repay any social assistance benefits paid to the sponsored family members (if applicable) for a period of 20 years.
    • If the sponsor resides in Quebec, an additional “undertaking” must be signed with the province of Quebec.

Applicants to the PGP will have to prove that they meet the minimum income requirements by submitting notices of assessment issued by the Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA) in support of their application.

PGP Updates for 2019

In an effort to improve the application process, IRCC replaced its controversial randomized application process with a “first-in, first-served” model for the 2019 in-take cycle.

IRCC has a 2019 quota of up to 20,000 complete applications through the PGP. Invitations to apply to the program will be issued based on the order Interest to Sponsor forms were received once the forms are reviewed for eligibility.

Completing the online Interest to Sponsor Form on IRCC’s website was the first step to the Parent and Grandparent sponsorship process.

PGP 2019 Interest to Sponsor Form

Prior to submitting the Interest to Sponsor form, IRCC encourages potential sponsors to gather the required information, including proof of status in Canada.

Individuals completing the form will need to provide the following information:

  • Family name(s) (also known as last name, surname) and their given name(s) (also known as first name).
  • Date of birth
  • Country or territory of birth
  • Primary residential address in Canada
  • Email address for communication with IRCC
  • Number of family members
  • Total number of persons the individual wishes to sponsor, including dependents (spouse/partner and children)
  • Names of the parents and grandparents the individual want to sponsor and their date of birth
  • Electronic signature; and
  • Proof of status in Canada document number.

For the January 2019 Interest to Sponsor Form submission period, potential sponsors were able to submit one of the following documents as proof of status in Canada:

  • Permanent resident card (both sides)
  • Record of landing (IMM 1000) (only if the interested sponsor didn’t receive a PR Card)
  • Confirmation of Permanent Residence (IMM 5292 or IMM 5688)
  • Canadian Citizenship Certificate or card (both sides)
  • Canadian birth certificate
    • If the interested sponsor was born in Quebec, IRCC will only accept a birth certificate from the Directeur de l’État civil.
  • Canadian passport (pages showing passport number, date of issue and expiration, photo, name, surname, place and date of birth)
  • Secure certificate of Indian status

Learn what to do if you receive a PGP Invitation to Apply.

As part of the Government of Canada’s multi-year immigration levels plan, the 2019 admission target for the PGP is set at 20,500 and will rise to 21,000 in 2020.

Who is not eligible to sponsor a parent or grandparent

Individuals are not eligible to sponsor a parent and/or grandparent if they:

  • Are less than 18 years old;
  • Will not live in Canada when applying to sponsor the parent and/or grandparent and/or when the sponsored parent and/or grandparent becomes a permanent resident;
    • A a potential sponsor, an applicant’s primary residential address must be in Canada at the time of applying and until a decision is made on the application.
  • Are not Canadian citizens, permanent residents of Canada, or a registered Indian in Canada;
  • Are a temporary resident who is visiting, studying or working in Canada on a visa or permit;
  • Have a permanent residence application that is still in process
    • A potential sponsor must have permanent resident status at the time of submitting the sponsorship application.
  • Cannot show proof of income that demonstrates they has the required Minimum Necessary Income (MNI).

In addition, individuals may not be eligible to sponsor a parent and grandparent if they:

  • Are in jail, prison, or penitentiary
  • Did not pay back:
    • an immigration loan
    • a performance bond
    • court-ordered family support payments such as alimony or child support
  • Did not give the financial support they agreed to when signing a sponsorship agreement to sponsor a relative in the past
  • Declared bankruptcy and are not discharged
  • Receive social assistance for a reason other than a disability
  • Were convicted of a violent criminal offence, any offence against a relative or any sexual offence inside or outside Canada
  • Cannot legally stay in Canada and must leave the country because they received a Removal Order.

IRCC may have additional reasons for considering a person ineligible to sponsor a parent and/or grandparent.

Parents and Grandparents Super Visa Program

Canadian citizens and/or permanent residents have another option to bring a parent or grandparent to Canada.

The Super Visa Program allows parents and grandparents to come to Canada as long-term visitors on a multi-entry visa that remains valid for up to 10 years. Unlike standard visitor visas, a Super Visa allows visa holders to stay in Canada for up to two years on initial entry to Canada.

To be eligible for the Super Visa program, parents and grandparents must meet standard visitor visa requirements. In addition, they must:

  • Provide a written commitment of financial support from their child or grandchild in Canada;
  • Show that the sponsor in Canada meets minimum income requirements;
  • Prove they have purchased Canadian health insurance for at least one year; and
  • Complete an immigration medical examination.

Depending on their nationality, parents/grandparents may require a Temporary Resident Visa in addition to the Super Visa.

Requirements for the Sponsor

In addition to being a Canadian citizen or Canadian permanent resident, the sponsor must meet certain requirements for Family Class Immigration Sponsorship.

Sponsorship applicants are subject to the following requirements:

    • The sponsor must demonstrate the financial ability to provide the Family Sponsorship immigrant and dependents with their essential needs, should they be unable to provide for themselves, including the following:
      • Food, clothing, shelter and other basic requirements of everyday living; and
      • Dental and eye care, as well as other health needs not covered by public health services available to all Canadian citizens and Canadian permanent residents.
    • The following agreements must be entered into with the government of Canada or Quebec:
      • The sponsor must agree to provide the immigrant with essential needs for a prescribed period of time; and
      • If the sponsored relative is over 19 years of age and not elderly, and the sponsor promises to support the sponsored person(s) for a prescribed period of time, the sponsored person(s) must promise to make every effort to become self-supporting.
    • The sponsor must have either:
      • Physical residency in Canada; or
      • For Canadian citizens sponsoring a spouse, common-law partner, conjugal partner, or dependent child, a demonstrated intention to reside in Canada by the time the sponsored family member lands in Canada as a permanent resident.
    • In addition, the Sponsor must be at least 18 years old, not in prison, not bankrupt, not under a removal order (if a permanent resident), and not charged with a serious offence.
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